Il Cluster Lombardo
Tavoli tematici:
Un elemento caratterizzante l’Associazione saranno i “tavoli tematici“, ovvero delle unità di lavoro cui potranno partecipare tutti i soggetti riuniti per settore, (ad es. tessile, meccanico, elettronico, chimico) o per tecnologia (processi di automazione, logistica avanzata, meccatronica) al fine di condividere conoscenze, competenze e progettualità. Saranno loro a dare contenuto alle attività dell’Associazione quando questa sarà chiamata, come già avviene, a collaborare con la Regione nella definizione delle politiche a supporto dell’innovazione o quando si tratterà di animare eventi allo scopo di favorire la collaborazione tra imprese, o tra imprese ed università, anche al fine della partecipazione a bandi di gara.
In the cluster project of the Lombardy Region, the Association Intelligent Lombardy Factory (AFIL) was launched to implement activities for advanced manufacturing. Clusters’ goal is to aggregate all the skills on strategic issues in order to encourage its development in close cooperation with the Region.The objective of AFIL is to promote and facilitate technological innovation for the manufacturing sector in order to support and develop competitiveness.Therefore people interested in the process and product innovation in the manufacturing sector can, at last, find a meeting place for their interests at Regional, National and European level. It becomes a tool to collectively contribute to the definition of regional policies on this topic; a meeting place where you can collect information, have access to different resources and share projects. Founded by Innovhub SSI, Polytechnic University of Milan, Intellimech and ITIA – CRN Industrial Technologies and Automation Institute, AFIL is now admitting new partners: DM Management & Consulting has officially joined the Cluster.“Thematic groups” will be a characteristic feature of the Association, in other words work units in which all the persons can participate, classified by sector (such as textile, mechanical, electronic, chemical) or by technology (process automation, advanced logistics, mechatronics) in order to share knowledge, competencies and projects.They will provide content to the activities of the Association when it needs to cooperate with the Region in the definition of the policies in order to support the innovation or when it is necessary to animate events in order to favor collaboration among companies, or between companies and universities and for participating in tenders too.